The Tamil Nadu Electricity Board ( TNEB ) was established in the year 1957, TNEB is a statutory body of the government. The Tamil Nadu Electricity Board has three thermal power stations at Mettur, Tuticorin, and North Chennai. The main objective of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board is to generate, transmit and distribute electricity efficiently and to supply quality power to its consumers. There presents nearly 30,000 employees of the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board. The TNEB aims to empower all the regions of the state with electric power and aspires to maintain the quality of electricity as well.
There may be about 4500 including family pensioners in the TNEB who are eligible for the benefits.
TNEB Pension Annual Pension Statement:
Our Pension Statements provide more than just a legal requirement. That employees are more focused than ever on their retirement security. The employer provided by DC pension schemes, combined with the decline in the value of the state pension. Pension Statements can be fulfilled On Paper, On Media or Online.
If you get the TNEB Pension Annual Pension Statement Details :
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Why TNEB Annual Pensioiners statement not avilable